Page1 - Discuss Jp Magazine, Jeep Wrangler JK, and Jeep Tech topics in the Jp Magazine forums at Jp Magazine. Put the reservoir cap and close tight on the master cylinder fluid container. Put an absorbent rag under the master cylinder body. Here's what the slave cylinder looks like outside of the tube. With a hydraulic mechanism, the clutch pedal arm operates a piston in the clutch master cylinder. The clutch pedal is then pressed and the clutch master cylinder generates pressure, forcing fresh fluid out to the clutch slave cylinder. SITUATION: Your clutch slave cylinder is spewing brake fluid out when you push on the clutch. This is a fairly simple procedure, though it can be frustrating. This is the hose that supplies the clutch master cylinder, so try to get the brake fluid level below that point if possible. Fluid in brake reservoir has dropped below the level of the hose going to the clutch master cylinder. cheap and easy way to remedy the problem can be to change the hydraulic clutch fluid.
A leak in the clutch reservoir will also result in declining levels of the fluid. Leaks are more likely to occur at either the slave cylinder or master cylinder. Once the reservoir is empty, refill with new brake fluid. If you have an automatic transmission, skip to step 12 below. The clutch hydraulic system must have pits or scoring in the clutch master or slave cylinder. How to Add Brake Fluid to the Clutch Master Cylinder. Water is the enemy of the clutch master cylinder and if you dont flush the fluid, you will get rust in the clutch system causing the clutch master cylinder to fail. In the prevailing GM clutch design the clutch actuator cylinder (slave) is located inside the bell housing. Yeah, I bled the clutch fluid with the help of my buddy. I found out what the problem was with the clutch.
The slave cylinder has a crack which is leaking the clutch fluid. Open the bleed nipple on the clutch slave cylinder and watch the flow for air, there should be lots of air in the system. Since the entire system is a hydraulic one, the master cylinder also has a reservoir that holds the fluid used in the clutch hydraulic system. The clutch pedal operates a push-rod which moves the piston, displacing hydraulic fluid, operating the clutch slave cylinder and hence the clutch itself. This occurs if the fluid level has been allowed to fall so low that air has been drawn into the clutch master cylinder. Connect the hose to the bleed nipple on the slave cylinder (#3 in sketch) and then open the nipple (7/16 wrench). The air moves much more freely then the fluid and it will not move the piston in the slave cylinder. If you don't change the brake fluid then corrosion may occur in the brake calipers, clutch slave cylinder, or master cylinder, causing a leak or poor action. After I refilled the empty fluid reservoir (it uses brake fluid), the clutch came back to life, but I knew eventually I would have to replace that slave cylinder. To remove the fluid out of the master cylinder, you can disconnect the hose of the slave cylinder and press the clutch pedal. Th e clutch master cylinder is located next to the brake master cylinder under the fiberglass floor up in the luggage compartment. Acura Integra I notice my fluid is low in the hydrolic clutch master of my 96 gsr First time I Brake fluid.
the clutch assembly itself, you likely need to replace the clutch master cylinder and inspect the system one more time for leaks and proper fluid level. Fill the system with Dot 4 Clutch fluid and bleed the system at the slave cylinder to make sure there's no air in the system.