Can I use my old Ducati or other aftermarket clutch in this basket. You can use any 12-finger clutch pack on our clutch basket. The Ducati dry clutch on most models use steel plates, hub and basket. The cost effective Ducati Clutch solution EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AUD$449. NEED A BASKET AS WELL? ORDER A COMPLETE CLUTCH PACK AND BASKET TOGETHER. The cost effective Ducati Clutch solution EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AUD$449. NEED A BASKET AS WELL? This is a Ducati wet clutch basket/drum holding tool. This is a Ducati clutch basket/drum holding tool. Barnett's new clutch baskets increase durability and extend clutch life. All STM dry clutches for Ducati models are 100% compatible with the OEM basket plates. This is the time to replace the basket if you want to quiet your clutch.
Find best value and selection for your Ducati Barnett CLUTCH BASKET 748 749 998 999 996 m900 Ducati Barnett CLUTCH BASKET 748 749 998 999 996 m900 search on eBay. EVR CTS Slipper Clutch Complete with 48T Plates/Basket for Ducati. Quality Ducati rearsets, frame sliders, exhaust and accessories at an affordable price. It is a Yoyodyne clutch pack for a slipper clutchthe tangs fit very tight to the basket slots. Foremost, SpeedyMoto clutch covers are engineered to protect your costly Ducati clutch First mod is accepted to be an exposed clutch basket cover! Nichols Ducati Parts - Lighter, harder Clutch Baskets, Gearbox Oil Breathers and a whole lot of great parts for your Ducati. wet slipper clutch, now available for the Ducati 848 series. NGR Clutch Basket $179.99 High quality 7000 series aluminum clutch basket can be used for OEM replacement or for slipper clutches. Barnett clutch baskets increase durability and extend clutch life. clutch Ducati's back to the early '90 models. It allows the rider to quickly decrease would like to add the STM 48 tooth Clutch Plates a nd Red STM 48 tooth Clutch Basket. Buy the Barnett Billet Clutch Baskets for Ducati's at SoloMotoParts.
Barnett Billet Clutch Basket For 6 Speed Dry Clutch Ducati. Out of Stock - back order this product now. Replacement slipper clutch basket for the yoyodyne slipper clutch, as well as a replacement for the OEM Ducati clutch basket.