Appendix Q. Possible Ignition Sources The size of the flammable gas cloud that enveloped the Deepwater Horizon made an explosion almost inevitable. There are many possible sources of ignition and those that are most likely will depend on the release scenario. Where flammable vapors may be present, precautions mustl be taken to prevent ignition by eliminating or controlling sources of ignition. 1 Ignition Sources The information on this section of the site looks at the many possible ignition sources found in the upstream oil and gas industry. The source of ignition energy will be at or near the point of origin, although in some circumstances the two may appear not to coincide. source of ignition (being protected by them) converts to an effective ignition source relating to the category of the equipment. Ignition Sources The information on this section of the site looks at the many possible ignition sources found in the upstream oil and gas industry. Wildland fires can be caused by both natural and anthropogenic mechanisms. To find the ignition source, try a different probe position and repeat the above steps. ignition source A heat source having sufficient energy to initiate combustion of a material. Hazardous Area Classification and Control of Ignition Sources.
Dictionary definitions and example sentences on Wordnik. The Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission recommendations were released over the weekend to a predicable media reception. COMPRESSED GASES DOE-HDBK-1015/2-93 Hazards of Chemicals and Gases CH-05 Rev. 0 Page 26 Oxygen Oxygen (O ) supports combustion, but does not burn. Provided that the ignition source with open flame possesses sufficient energy for initiating ignition, burning will start. Common ignition sources for dust clouds are identified and methods to prevent ignition are discussed. Standards Division. LP Gas Concerns gt; Electric Meters. Richard Fredenburg, LP-Gas Engineer. Electric Meters - A Source of Ignition? In previous threads I have referred to an incident last year where a cell phone ignited a gas cloud in a Chevron Texaco gas plant. The greater the ignitability of the fuel, the longer exposure time to the energy source required for ignition. Is a dryer vent considered an ignition source? Interested in receiving updates from InterNACHI as well as giveaways and discounts on training, products and events? Ignition of a flammable mixture may occur following an arc, spark or hot surface during the use of electrical apparatus.
UK Fire Training are experts in hazard spotting. e·lec·tric (-l k tr k) adj. 1. also e·lec·tri·cal (-tr-k l) Of, relating to, producing, or operated by electricity: electric current; an electrical appliance. NEWTON TOWNSHIP - The investigation of a May 13 Utah Avenue explosion and fire has been closed by the Ohio State Fire Marshal's Office. Electrical, gas or oil-fired heaters (fixed or portable). UNITED STATES CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20207 Memorandum CPSC Hotline: 1-800-638-CPSC (2772) Η CPSC's Web Site: http://www.cpsc. Fire Safety Regulations Guide - Identify Sources of Ignition | is4profit. Another factor that must be considered is the duration (life) of the ignition source. Hebgen Basin Fire District firefighters responded to a fire that occurred last Thursday evening. There are many sources of ignition other than a flame. Over one half of the dust explosions in Germany in 2005 were from non-flame sources.